MetaIndustry4, the Advanced Manufacturing Cluster of metal Industry in Asturias is a non-profit organization, formally constituted in 2016, powered by the innovation area of the Asturian’s Metal Business Federation (Femetal). The Cluster was born as a new cluster concept with a multidisciplinary model, aligned with the Research and Innovation Strategy for Smart Specialization of Asturias (RIS3) and oriented, mainly, to companies and global value chains related to the advanced manufacturing of metal industry. Its government bodies are the General Assembly, Board of Governors and Presidency, Vice-presidency, Treasury and Management. Jose Ramón Natal is MetaIndustry4’s Cluster Manager, and his functions goes from coordination and follow-up to dynamization of projects. He is also in charge of the socialization plan, the design of the communication channels of the cluster with its partners and with the different agents of interest linked to it. The Cluster working team is also made up of Silvia Jiménez, Innovation and Projects Manager, whose mission is dynamization of projects and innovation issues, coordination of activities and task about projects. MetaIndutry4’s headquarter is located in Gijón, sharing office wirh the Asturian’s Metal Business Federation. The Cluster consists of partners from different areas of the sectoral ecosystem in Asturias: metal industry, scientific-technological, logistical and institutional agents, ICT enablers and other business agents related to the sectoral value chain or its priorities as a cluster. The main goal of MetaIndustry4 is to promote the competitive improvement of the Asturian metal industry and sectoral ecosystem, facilitating their integration into the main Global Value Chains, improving human and technological resources, and focusing on innovation and cooperation; with a clear orientation towards accelerating the pace of growth in turnover and profitability. MetaIndustry4 works in four different areas of innovation and development: First, the Integration in Global Value Chains, which aim is to develop a deep understanding of trends and market opportunities, promoting joint participation, and improving the competitive positioning of the regional industry in the target markets. Second is the collaboration in the innovation and technological improvement, that promotes the incorporation of 4.0 technologies in the regional industry and the process of digitalization in the companies of the sector. Is also a goal fostering the development of collaborative innovation projects in the field of key enable technologies. And the third strategic axis is the study of human capital management, where the Cluster analyse sectoral trends in vocational qualifications and the training needs of the industry, in order to promote the adequacy of the training offer to sectoral needs and trend.

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