The purpose of this article is to determine the practical and theoretical aspects of the use of virtual enterprises in the training of students of economic and managerial specialties. The following general scientific research methods were used: abstract-logical method in the process of theoretical generalization of the experience of virtual enterprises; analysis and synthesis – in the formation of recommendations for the use of virtual enterprise in the educational process.
The main results of the article characterize the most important issues of organizing the use of virtual enterprises.
The authors identify the main opportunities and benefits that arise in the learning process of students when using virtual enterprises. The article identifies the main features of the use of virtual enterprises: the role of the teacher in the organization of the educational process with virtual enterprises; the need for the formation of productive relations in the student body, optimization of the psychological climate in the group; ability to work on the «result», time planning. It is proposed to use tasks that involve the choice of standard management decisions for the development of the enterprise, as well as tasks that characterize the state of crisis in the enterprise. The basic algorithm of use of the virtual enterprise is offered: definition of the educational purpose and tasks of creation of the virtual enterprise; establishment of the sphere of activity of the enterprise, the main types of products and services that the Enterprise plans to produce (provide); determination of the necessary resources for the implementation of production processes in the virtual enterprise; development of possible strategies of enterprise development in the conditions of change of tasks, market situation.