Name and address of the company: Association for Vocational Training Research e.V., Gubener Straße 47, 10243, Berlin, GermanyDomain:

Phone: +49 30 762392300


TheAssociation for Vocational Training Research e.V. strives to make its website accessible in accordance with the Accessibility Strengthening Act (BFSG). This accessibility statement applies to the website.

Status of compatibility with the requirements

The website is partially compatible with the Accessibility Strengthening Act (BFSG) due to the following incompatibilities and exceptions.

The content listed below is not accessible for the following reasons:

  • PDF documents: Some of our PDF documents are not accessible. We are working to adapt these as quickly as possible or to provide accessible alternatives.
  • Videos: Some of our embedded videos do not currently have closed captions. We are trying to add subtitles to all videos in the future.
  • Images without alt text: Some images on the site don’t have alt text. We review and update this content on an ongoing basis.

Barriers due to economic unreasonableness

Some barriers on our website cannot be removed in the short term for reasons of economic reasonableness. These include:

  • Historical content: Older content created before the current accessibility guidelines go into effect may not be fully accessible. A subsequent adaptation of these contents would require disproportionately high expenses. However, new content will be created according to the current standards.

Barriers Reporting, Feedback and Contact Details

Have you noticed any barriers to accessing content on Then please feel free to contact us. We look forward to your feedback and will do our best to remove the reported barriers as quickly as possible within the scope of technical and economic possibilities. Please let us know which site and feature you encountered barriers on. To do this, simply copy the link from the address bar of your browser. You can report barriers to us in the following ways:

  • Contact form:
  • E-mail:
  • Phone: +49 30 762392300
  • Postal address: Keyword „Report Barriers“, Vereinigung für Betriebliche Bildungsforschung e.V., Gubener Straße 47, 10243, Berlin, Germany, Germany

Enforcement Body

If you do not receive satisfactory responses to accessibility communications or requests, you can contact the Enforcement Body. The enforcement body supports you in asserting your rights.

Address of the enforcement body:

The Governing Mayor- Senate Chancellery –
State Commissioner for Digital AccessibilityMs. Müller

Postal address:
Jüdenstraße 1, 10178 Berlin


Market Surveillance Authority

The contact details of the competent market surveillance authority are:

Unit II E – Occupational Safety and Technical Safety

For suggestions, requests and questions, please contact us at


Work and vocational training

Senate Department for Labour, Social Affairs, Equality, Integration, Diversity and Anti-Discrimination

Date of preparation of this accessibility statement

This statement was drawn up on 15 August 2024.

This accessibility statement has been prepared with the utmost care and is regularly updated to meet current requirements and standards. Nevertheless, errors cannot be completely ruled out. If you find any errors in this statement, please provide brief feedback on the Report Barriers functionality as listed in this document.

This document was last updated on 15.08.2024.