The first Transnational Project Meeting took place at Rei – Reindustria Innovazione in Crema (Lombardy, Italy). The European partnership met on 24 and 25 June 2021 in order to analyze the state-of-the-art for the activities completed since the beginning of the project, in September 2020.
In particular, the partners analyzed the task completed for the Intellectual Output 1, regarding the working process and competences in the metal manufacturing process, considering the circular economy paradigm (focusing on welding, with the aim to create a competence matrix for the sector)
During the first day, Reindustria held the event “Vocational training and the future of metal industries: the case of welding”. The aim of the event was a discussion about vocational education concerning metal sector with focus on the welding process, throughout a speech by the leader of the sector and by the exchange of good practices.
The first speech has been held by professor Vidmantas Tutlys from Vytautas Magnus University, introducing the result of the partnership research led in five States: Italy, Germany, Spain, Poland and Lithuania. The research highlighted the need of circular economy competences in the sector.
Futhermore, some case studies were presented by some welding industries of the area close to Crema, namely Weldone and AQM, a competence center with 12 schools and 4 master schools, that trains more than 500 students a year in welding skills.
Massimo Meleri, CEO of Weldone, stated that the sector needs more specialized workers; Weldone has indeed created a school for welders, with technologiccally advanced machinery (i.e.Soldomatic, a welding simulator working with augmented reality)
In the second part of the event, Luca Patti (REI Junior Project Manager) presented the project Humans Hub – for Industrial Research, development and innovation, financed by Lombardy Region aiming to create a territorial hub to foster innovation towards industry 4.0 in MSMEs of the manufacturing sector in Cremona province Later on, two of the 6 companies involved in the project supported the presentation with real case experiences, Officine Meccaniche Aiolfi and Robby Moto Engineering.
Finally, the event closed with the raise of awareness of the importance of the continuous training for metal sector workers.
The discussion and scheduling of the next Intellectual Output has then occupied the whole second day of the meeting.
Link to Italian article on REI website: